此 Windows 示例枚举所有 Chrome 窗口及其 PID 和标题。该GetWindowThreadProcessId()函数说明了如何从输出参数获取原始值。
// ES6 syntax: import koffi from 'koffi';
const koffi = require('koffi');
const user32 = koffi.load('user32.dll');
const DWORD = koffi.alias('DWORD', 'uint32_t');
const HANDLE = koffi.pointer(koffi.opaque('HANDLE'));
const HWND = koffi.alias('HWND', HANDLE);
const FindWindowEx = user32.func('HWND __stdcall FindWindowExW(HWND hWndParent, HWND hWndChildAfter, const char16_t *lpszClass, const char16_t *lpszWindow)');
const GetWindowThreadProcessId = user32.func('DWORD __stdcall GetWindowThreadProcessId(HWND hWnd, _Out_ DWORD *lpdwProcessId)');
const GetWindowText = user32.func('int __stdcall GetWindowTextA(HWND hWnd, _Out_ uint8_t *lpString, int nMaxCount)');
for (let hwnd = null;;) {
hwnd = FindWindowEx(0, hwnd, 'Chrome_WidgetWin_1', null);
if (!hwnd)
// Get PID
let pid;
let ptr = [null];
let tid = GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd, ptr);
if (!tid) {
// Maybe the process ended in-between?
pid = ptr[0];
// Get window title
let title;
let buf = Buffer.allocUnsafe(1024);
let length = GetWindowText(hwnd, buf, buf.length);
if (!length) {
// Maybe the process ended in-between?
title = koffi.decode(buf, 'char', length);
console.log({ PID: pid, Title: title });
此示例调用 POSIX 函数gettimeofday(),并使用类似原型的语法。
// ES6 syntax: import koffi from 'koffi';
const koffi = require('koffi');
const lib = koffi.load('libc.so.6');
const timeval = koffi.struct('timeval', {
tv_sec: 'unsigned int',
tv_usec: 'unsigned int'
const timezone = koffi.struct('timezone', {
tz_minuteswest: 'int',
tz_dsttime: 'int'
// The _Out_ qualifiers instruct Koffi to marshal out the values
const gettimeofday = lib.func('int gettimeofday(_Out_ timeval *tv, _Out_ timezone *tz)');
let tv = {};
gettimeofday(tv, null);
此示例打开一个内存 SQLite 数据库,并使用节点 ffi 样式的函数声明语法。
// ES6 syntax: import koffi from 'koffi';
const koffi = require('koffi');
const lib = koffi.load('sqlite3.so');
const sqlite3 = koffi.opaque('sqlite3');
// Use koffi.out() on a double pointer to copy out (from C to JS) after the call
const sqlite3_open_v2 = lib.func('sqlite3_open_v2', 'int', ['str', koffi.out(koffi.pointer(sqlite3, 2)), 'int', 'str']);
const sqlite3_close_v2 = lib.func('sqlite3_close_v2', 'int', [koffi.pointer(sqlite3)]);
let out = [null];
if (sqlite3_open_v2(':memory:', out, SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE | SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE, null) != 0)
throw new Error('Failed to open database');
let db = out[0];
Koffi 2.2 中的新功能
此示例调用 C 函数将两个字符串连接到预分配的字符串缓冲区。由于 JS 字符串是不可变的,因此您必须传递带有单个字符串的数组。
void ConcatToBuffer(const char *str1, const char *str2, char *out)
size_t len = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; str1[i]; i++) {
out[len++] = str1[i];
for (size_t i = 0; str2[i]; i++) {
out[len++] = str2[i];
out[len] = 0;
const ConcatToBuffer = lib.func('void ConcatToBuffer(const char *str1, const char *str2, _Out_ char *out)');
let str1 = 'Hello ';
let str2 = 'Friends!';
// We need to reserve space for the output buffer! Including the NUL terminator
// because ConcatToBuffer() expects so, but Koffi can convert back to a JS string
// without it (if we reserve the right size).
let out = ['\0'.repeat(str1.length + str2.length + 1)];
ConcatToBuffer(str1, str2, out);